📄️ API Reference
As you may have already noticed in the Filters tutorial, the grid exposes a rich API that allows you to control the grid's behavior and appearance. This API is available through the apiRef object that is available via the event bus. There is an event bus property on the GridOptions object that you can use to access the apiRef object.
📄️ Chat GPT Tutorial
As we covered in the filtering section, the grid provides a rich set of tools for filtering and searching through the data. However, it is also possible to use the grid to perform more complex searches, and integrate with OpenAI's GPT-3 API to perform more complex filters using natural language processing.
📄️ Charting
Just like we saw the grid integrating with MUI, Ant, and others earlier in the tutorial, the grid also integrates with charting libraries. This tutorial will show you how to integrate the grid with
📄️ Formula Columns