Interface ApiContext

The api context contains the api and the context.


  • ApiContext



api: null | {
    addGroupBy: ((columnIdentifier: string) => void);
    applyColumnSettings: ((settings: ColumnSettings[]) => void);
    applySettings: ((settings: SettingsData) => void);
    applySettingsByName: ((name: string) => void);
    areAllRowsSelected: (() => boolean);
    areRowsSelected: ((rows?: unknown[], levelDepth?: number) => boolean);
    autoFitColumns: ((columns?: ColumnOptions[], includeHeader?: boolean) => void);
    beginEdit: ((cell: CellInfo) => void);
    buildFilterString: ((f: Filter) => string);
    clearAllFilterValues: (() => void);
    clearAllSettings: (() => void);
    clearAllSorts: (() => void);
    clearContext: (() => void);
    clearFilterValue: ((columnIdentifier: string) => void);
    clearGroupBy: (() => void);
    clearSelection: (() => void);
    clearSort: ((columnIdentifier: string) => void);
    collapseAll: (() => void);
    collapseOneLevel: (() => void);
    collapseRow: ((rowIdentifier: string) => void);
    copyAll: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    copyCell: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    copyColumn: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    copyRow: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    copySelectedCells: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    copySelectedRows: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    deselectCell: ((cellSelection: CellSelelection, e?: MouseEvent) => void);
    deselectRow: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    dispatchFilterPageSortChanged: (() => void);
    endEdit: (() => void);
    expandAll: (() => void);
    expandOneLevel: (() => void);
    expandRow: ((rowIdentifier: string) => void);
    focusCell: ((cellSelection: CellSelelection, e?: MouseEvent) => void);
    getAllFilterValues: (() => Map<string, unknown>);
    getCellFromHtmlElement: ((elem: HTMLElement) => {
        columnIdentifier: string;
        rowIdentifier: string;
    getCellInDirection: ((cell: CellSelelection, direction: Direction) => null | CellSelelection);
    getCurrentSettings: (() => ColumnSettings[]);
    getDistinctFilterValues: ((column: ColumnOptions) => unknown[]);
    getFilterDisplayValue: ((value: unknown, col?: ColumnOptions) => string);
    getFilterValue: ((columnIdentifier: string) => unknown);
    getFilteredDataProvider: (() => unknown[]);
    getFlatColumns: (() => ColumnOptions[]);
    getFlatColumnsAtAllLevels: (() => ColumnOptions[]);
    getFocusCell: (() => undefined | CellSelelection);
    getGridBox: ((exludeToolbar?: boolean) => DOMRect);
    getGroupByFields: (() => {
        name: string;
        value: string;
    getGroupChildren: ((item: unknown, level?: GridLevelOptions) => unknown[]);
    getGroupedDataProvider: ((rawData: unknown[], groupingFields: string[]) => {
        groupedData: unknown[];
        parentMap: {
            [key: string]: string;
    getRowChildren: ((row: unknown, level?: number) => unknown[]);
    getSelectedCells: (() => CellSelelection[]);
    getSelectedRows: (() => unknown[]);
    getSettingsByName: ((name: string) => undefined | SettingsData);
    getSort: ((col: string, level?: number) => any);
    getSorts: (() => Map<number, Map<string, SortInfo>>);
    gotoPosition: ((scrollLeft: number, scrollTop: number) => void);
    gotoRowColumn: ((cellSelection: CellSelelection) => void);
    groupBy: ((columnIdentifiers: string[]) => void);
    handleCellClick: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellDoubleClick: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellDragEnd: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellDragOver: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellDragStart: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellDrop: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellMouseDown: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellMouseOut: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellMouseOver: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellMouseUp: ((cell: CellSelelection, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleCellRightClick: ((cell: CellSelelection, e: MouseEvent) => void);
    handleKeyboardEvent: ((event: KeyboardEvent) => void);
    hasBehavior: ((behavior: Behaviors) => undefined | boolean);
    hasChange: ((rowIdentifier: string, columnIdentifier: string) => undefined | EditInfo);
    hasGroupingColumn: (() => boolean);
    highlightCell: ((cellSelection: CellSelelection, e?: MouseEvent) => void);
    keyStrokeValid: ((event: KeyboardEvent, col?: ColumnOptions) => boolean);
    loadSettings: (() => SettingsData[]);
    processCellClick: ((cell: CellInfo, triggerEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    processKeyBoardEvent: ((cell: CellInfo, event: KeyboardEvent) => void);
    propsUpdated: (() => void);
    rebuild: (() => void);
    removeGroupBy: ((columnIdentifiers: string) => void);
    repaint: (() => void);
    resetView: (() => void);
    resumeMouseEvents: (() => void);
    saveSettings: ((settings: SettingsData) => void);
    selectAll: (() => void);
    selectCell: ((cell: CellSelelection, e?: MouseEvent) => void);
    selectRow: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    setColumnWidth: ((columnIdentifier: string, width: number) => void);
    setFilterValue: ((columnIdentifier: string, value: unknown) => void);
    setGlobalFilter: ((value: string) => void);
    setGlobalFilterTree: ((value: Filter) => void);
    setLockMode: ((columnIdentifier: string, lockMode: null | LockMode) => void);
    setQuickFindValue: ((value: string, next: boolean) => void);
    setSelectedRows: ((rowIds: string[]) => void);
    setSort: ((sortInfo: {
        isAscending: boolean;
        sortColumn: string;
    }) => void);
    setSorts: ((sorts: {
        isAscending: boolean;
        sortColumn: string;
    }[]) => void);
    shiftColumn: ((columnIdentifier?: string, nextToCell?: CellSelelection, dryRun?: boolean) => undefined | ColumnPositionInfo);
    shiftRow: ((rowIdentifier?: string, nextToRowIdentifier?: string, dryRun?: boolean, above?: boolean, dragValid?: ((from: string, to: string) => boolean)) => undefined | RowPositionInfo);
    showHideColumn: ((columnIdentifier: string, show: boolean) => void);
    showHideContextMenu: ((show?: boolean, cell?: CellSelelection, mouseEvent?: MouseEvent) => void);
    suspendMouseEvents: (() => void);
    toggleExpandCollapseColumnGroup: ((columnIdentifier: string, e: MouseEvent) => void);
    toggleExpandCollapseRow: ((rowIdentifier: string, e: MouseEvent) => void);
    toggleSelection: ((cell: CellSelelection) => void);
    toggleSort: ((columnIdentifier: string, clearOthers?: boolean, e?: MouseEvent) => void);
    unlockAllColumns: (() => void);
    addChange(row: RowPositionInfo, column: ColumnPositionInfo, value: unknown): void;
    canCollapse(): boolean;
    canExpand(): boolean;
    cancelEdit(): void;
    clearChanges(): void;
    exportToExcel(): void;
    exportToPdf(): void;
    getChanges(): EditInfo[];
    getContext(): undefined | GridContext;
    pageOperation(operation: "first" | "last" | "previous" | "next" | "pageSizeChanged", newPageSize?: number): void;
    removeChange(rowIdentifier: string, columnIdentifier: string): void;
    saveDefaultView(): void;
context: null | GridContext

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